The all-in-one solution for easy access to PrEP.

Is PrEP right for me?

Complete the questionnaire

Cost of service

Free delivery

Home delivery

Have your PrEP delivered directly to your home.

Post office pickup

Have your PrEP delivered to a post office near you for pickup at your convenience.

Pickup at Prelib

Avoid the extra travel and pick up your PrEP at Prelib once every three months during your follow-up screening appointments.

The advantages


Can I use Prelib’s PrEP Solution if I’m already on PrEP?
What are the next steps after completing the online questionnaire?
How will my phone appointment proceed?
Which pharmacies are participating in the PrEP Solution?
What are other options to access PrEP in Quebec?
What tests do I have to pass?
Why do I need to do an initial assessment and follow-up screenings once every three months?
Where can I find my results and follow-up information for PrEP?
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